Smart SMD Light Guide Material Rack
• 通过灯光智能引导,大大减轻操作人员劳动强度;
• Greatly reduce the labor intensity of the operators with the smart light guide;
• 容量大、占地少,仓库空间利用率提升;
• Obviously improve the warehouse space utilization with the large capacity and small footprint;
• 传感器精确识别,物料取错报警,有效防呆防错;
• Effectively prevent the mistakes with accurate sensor identification and error material taking alarm;
• 可与MES、WMS等系统对接,助力客户仓储智能化水平;
• Can help the customers to increase the smart warehousing level by connecting it with MES, WMS and other systems;
• 可搭配机械手和AGV操作;
• Can be operated with manipulators and AGVs;
• 兼容wifi和以太网两种连接方式,配网更灵活;
• Can be compatible with WIFI and Ethernet connections, with more flexible networking methods;
• 可选配语音提示功能。
• Have the optional voice prompt function.
Main Purposes
It is mainly used for the management of electronic components in the general warehouses and line side warehouses.
Technical Parameters
产品型号 Product model | WR1400GB | WR400GB | WR320GB |
总容量 Total capacity | 1400 | 400 | 320 |
适用料盘规格 Applicable tray specifications | 7‘’ | 13‘’/15‘’ | 13‘’/15‘’ |
可存料盘数量 Number of trays to be stored | 1400 | 400 | 320 |
料盘最大厚度/mm Maximum tray thickness/mm | 16 | 20 | 28 |
料盘最大厚度/mm Maximum tray thickness/mm | 7 | 5 | 5 |
面数 Number of sides | 双面 Double sides | 单面 Single side | 单面 Single side |
料槽识别方式 Trough identification type | 感应式 Induction type | 感应式 Induction type | 感应式 Induction type |
形式 Form | 固定式 Fixed form | 固定式 Fixed form | 固定式 Fixed form |
通讯方式 Communication method: | 以太网和wifi Ethernet and WIFI | 以太网和wifi Ethernet and WIFI | 以太网和wifi Ethernet and WIFI |
输入电压 Input voltage | AC220V | AC220V | AC220V |
外形尺寸/mm(L*D*H) Dimensions/mm (L * D * H) | 2280*400*1900 | 2180*400*1900 | 2180*400*1900 |
注:其他规格可根据客户需求定制,详询我司业务人员。 主要功能物料上架:扫描物料条码,物料随意上架空库位,系统自动感应库位并和物料绑定;工单发料:扫描工单条码,系统智能计算物料位置,操作人员根据亮灯位置完成取料;料车移料:配合发料动作,从货架上取下物料后无需扫码,直接放入料车库位完成移料动作;产线叫料:生产系统叫料,线边料车库位亮灯,直接拿料无需扫描,智能系统级防错;拿错提醒:取料非目标料盘时,系统立即语音提醒;